Register Your Organization

If you're interested in registering your organization with USFCR and have completed your SAM profile, providing this information will assist our case management team when processing your forms.

Organization Details

Once you've filled out the registration form, your organization's details will appear under Organization Details.

Your organization will be listed as a Local Vendor within the Vendors section, gaining visibility even before your SAM registration is finalized.

General Information

Provide basic information about your company. While most fields are optional, they can help paint a clearer picture of your organization.

  • Company Name - Your company's legal business name
  • Business Start Date - The start date of your company
  • UEI Code - The Unique Entity Identifier of your company if it is not fully registered within
  • CAGE Code - The Commercial and Government Entity Code of your company if it is not fully registered within
  • Doing Business As (DBA) - Your company's tradename or fictitious name.
  • State of Incorporation - For organizations located within the United States, you can provide the state that they were incorporated inside.
  • Corporate URL - If your organization has a website, you can provide this link.
  • Phone - Your organization's phone number. This should be provided for the company and not for a particular employee.
  • Business Hours - The business hours of the organization.
  • Profit Structure - The structure of the organization and whether it is meant to make a profit or further a mission that benefits the community, or something else.
    • For Profit - This stands for For-Profit
    • Nonprofit - Nonprofits or charities
    • Other - Other business structures that do not fall into For-Profit or Nonprofit

Company Address

Fill in your company’s address. This can help others interested in working with your company find where your business is located.

  • Address Line 1
  • Address Line 2
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Zip/Postal
  • Country


Choose information that lets others know about what your organization does and what set-asides your company may have.

  • Primary NAICS - Choose a primary industry code that best represents your organization's main line of business.
  • Secondary NAICS - While not mandatory, you can add multiple secondary industry codes if your organization offers additional products or services in-house.
  • PSCs - Product Service Codes, which encompass Federal Supply Codes, are optional and can provide further specificity regarding your organization's industry.
  • Socio-Economic Categories – These categories are determined by the majority ownership (at least 51%) of a for-profit company in the US. Certification may be required for federal contracts based on these categories.
    • WOSB – Women-Owned Small Business
    • EDWOSB – Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
    • VOSB – Veteran Owned Small Business
    • SDVOSB – Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
    • Minority Owned Business
  • Corporate Structure - This is your organization's entity type and other organizational factors.
    • LLC - Limited Liability Company
    • Corporation - This is whether this is a corporate entity
    • LP - Limited Partnership
    • Sole Prop - This is the shorthand for Sole Proprietorship. This
    • S-Corp - This is the shorthand for an S-Corporation and is taxed differently from an LLC or a Corporation.
    • International - This is a company that is not based in the United States or its territories and was formed in another country.
    • Gov Entity - This is the shorthand for Government Entity.