Create Pipelines

Premium This feature is available within the following subscription tiers: APP Max and Procurement Pro.

Creating a Pipeline for your Pursuits is the first step toward setting the basis of how you and your team (if you have multiple users) work together to identify and pursue opportunities. 

When on the Pipelines page, press Create.

A pop-up will appear called Add Pipeline.
Fill in the appropriate area.
Name – This will be the name of the pipeline. This is a required field.
Number of stages – Choose the number of stages for your pipeline. These stages are added between the default Triage and Won/ Lost/ Abandoned stages.
Description – Provide a basic description of the pipeline.
Tags – You can give the pipeline a tag to find groups of similar items.
Select Create when you have completed all the fields.

The owner of the pipeline will be the user that has created it while the Updated field is the last time the pipeline was updated. Underneath the Pursuits field is where you will find the number of pursuits that were added to the pipeline.