
Premium This feature is available within the following subscription tiers: Advantage, Pro, SAP Advantage, and Procurement Pro.

This section contains the required forms requested by the Case Management team from your organization. These forms are used internally by USFCR to complete the requested services.


  1. Form Status
  2. Submission and Resubmission

Form Status

Upon accessing the page, you'll see a drop-down list defaulted to "All Forms." This drop-down allows you to filter forms by their status.

  • All Forms: Shows a history of all forms and their statuses.
    • If the same form has been requested and/or submitted multiple times, each instance will be listed.
    • Forms can be filtered by the following statuses:
      • Pending: New request; not yet started.
      • In Progress: Started; not yet completed/submitted.
      • Submitted: Complete; submitted to the appropriate team.

NOTICE Forms are only viewable to the organization when in the Pending or In Progress status.

Submission and Resubmission

When presented with forms, fill out and submit those in the Pending state. These forms are usually required for active services listed in the Overview section of the Client Portal.

To submit a form, follow these steps:

  1. Click the View button on the form you wish to fill out.
  2. Complete the form to the best of your ability.
  3. Click Complete and Submit at the bottom of the page once all fields are filled.

LOOK If you need to leave the form at any time, click Save in the upper right corner of the page or Save and resume later at the bottom. This will return you to the Forms page, and the form's status will change to In Progress.