Client Portal Overview

Premium This feature is available within the following subscription tiers: Advantage, Pro, SAP Advantage, APP Max, and Procurement Pro.

The Overview area provides a brief summary of your company's services with USFCR.


  1. Reminders
  2. USFCR Team
  3. Services
    1. SAM Registration
    2. SAP/Website


This section offers a snapshot of your:

  • Tickets
  • Forms
  • Missing Documents
  • Upcoming Renewals

Upcoming Renewals: Displays the expiration date of your services with USFCR and the number of days remaining.

Each "View" link in these sections directs you to the corresponding tab under the Client Portal section:

  • Ticket Overview: Takes you to the Service Support section.
  • Form Overview: Takes you to the Forms section.
  • Missing Documents: Takes you to the Documents section.


Lists the USFCR team members assigned to your company along with their contact information for assistance.


Displays the services you have purchased from USFCR and their current statuses.

SAM Registration

Provides a brief overview of your company's SAM registration and its details.

NOTICE For questions about your SAM Registration, use the Service Support section and select the Category SAM Registration.


If you have purchased the Simplified Acquisition Program (SAP), also known as the Online Capabilities Statement (OCS), this section will display relevant information, including:

  • Worksheet statuses
  • Submission times
  • Your OCS webpage
  • Default login information

NOTICE If you have questions or updates about your SAP page, use the Service Support section and select the Category Simplified Acquisitions Program.