Code Categories

Premium This feature is available within the following subscription tiers: Advantage, Pro, SAP Advantage, APP Max, and Procurement Pro.

Code Categories shows a list of industry classification codes.


  1. Searching Code Categories
  2. Code Details

Searching Code Categories

Once you are on the Code Categories tab, you will see a NAICS, PSC, View All, and a My Favorites tab along with a search bar.

You will start on the View All tab which allows you to see all the tabs together. When selecting NAICS or PSC you will see the codes within those specific categories. The My Favorites tab will hold only the codes you have selected as a favorite.

When searching within these codes, you can filter in a few different ways. The available filters are listed below:

  • Type

Code Details

On the main Code Category page, you can see an overview of the agent and the contracts they are associated with.

To view more details, click on the code’s title. Once you do so, you will be taken to another page that lists all available information about that specific code.

Each page will have seven tabs that will move you to specific locations on the page.

  • Summary – This provides the code’s title and allows you to add it to your Favorites.
  • Reports – This is a graph of the funding and awards that you can change or update to show different timelines.
    • Last 10 Years
    • Last 5 Years
    • Last 3 Years
    • Last Year
    • Last 6 Months
  • Popular Opportunities – These are opportunities that are currently popular from this agency.
  • Funding Analysis – This is an analysis of the funding and spending habits of this code. These can be split in multiple different ways and show different timelines. This information can also be exported to a CSV file.
  • Contract IDVs – These are the indefinite delivery vehicles (IDVs) that were awarded in conjunction with this code.
  • Contract Awards – These are contract awards that have been posted in conjunction with this code.
  • Contract Opportunities – These are contract opportunities that have been posted in conjunction with this code.