Request a Quote

Premium This feature is available within the following subscription tiers: APP Max and Procurement Pro.

When you have found an opportunity that you are interested in, but are not sure if you would like to write it. You can request a quote to have a consultant reach out with how much it would cost for that particular opportunity to be written.

Currently, this is available within Contract Opportunities and Grant Opportunities pages.


  1. Opportunity Search Page
  2. Opportunity Page

Opportunity Search Page

When on the Contract Opportunities page, find the solicitation you are interested in.
Select Request a Quote.
A pop-up will appear allowing you to add a comment.
When you have finished your comment, select Send Request a Quote.
The screen will change to show a confirmation screen. If you select Click here to view all requests, you will be taken to the Requests page.

Opportunity Page

When on the opportunity page that you are interested in, select Request a Quote in the upper right.

A pop-up will appear allowing you to add a comment.
When you have finished your comment, select Send Request a Quote.
The screen will change to show a confirmation screen. If you select Click here to view all requests, you will be taken to the Requests page.