Common SAP Questions

What does SAP stand for?

USFCR's SAP stands for The Simplified Acquisition Program.

You can find more information about this service here.

What does OCS stand for?

OCS stands for Online Capabilities Statment. This is one of the items that you receive with a SAP. It details your company information in a way that is understandable and able to be viewed by anyone.

What is a Capabilities Statement

A capabilities statement is a business resume, usually given in a PDF format with one or two pages.

If you have an OCS and would like the PDF capabilities statement that you created added to the site, you can create a Service Support ticket for the Simplified Acquisitions Program and someone will reach out to you.

You can also add the PDF capabilities statement to your Teaming profile.

You can learn more about creating your own PDF capabilities statement and what goes into it by taking the Capabilities Statement Course within the Learning Center. SAP Advantage and Procurement Pro tiers have access to these.

Filling out the SAP Worksheets

If you need assistance filling out the SAP Worksheets, you can reach out to your Registration and Contracting Specialist.

You can find their information by going to the Business Overview page and finding their contact information underneath USFCR Team.

With the OCS (Online Capabilities Statement), there may be some information that you are unsure about. The best way to learn about how you should format this information or what should be included is by taking the Capabilities Statement Course included within the Learning Center.

This course goes over all sections that are included within the SAP worksheets along with how to format and create your own PDF Capabilities Statement to showcase your company's information in the best possible way.

Where do I Find Information on My SAP?

You can find information on your SAP by going to the Business Overview page underneath SAP/Website. There you will find a lot of the information you are looking for.

You can also find information on your SAP by including the SAP Status widget on your Dashboard. This will give you a brief overview of where you are with the SAP service and common pieces of information that you may need to know about your OCS (Online Capabilities Statement).

I Would Like to Make Changes to My SAP Website

SAP Specialist

The best way to ask for changes or request changes to your SAP Website is to send an email to SAP Support.

Give the email a detailed subject line about what you are asking for, and the SAP Specialist will reach back out with the Edit Form or information on what is required based on what you have requested.


If you would like to make changes to your SAP Website, you can reach out to your Registration and Contracting Specialist and ask for an edit form link to be sent to you.

You can find their information by going to the Business Overview page and finding their contact information underneath USFCR Team.

Service Support

You can also reach out by creating a ticket in the system.

To create a Service Support ticket for your SAP Website, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Service Support page underneath the Business section.
  2. A pop-up will appear called Create ticket.
  3. Select the Simplified Acquisitions Program category.
  4. Enter an appropriate Subject like "Need to Update SAP."
  5. Type in the information you would like to have changed in the Description box or request the SAP Edit Form.
  6. Click Create.
  7. A ticket will be created in the system and will notify the SAP Specialist You can see your open support tickets on the Service Support page.