Common Searching Questions

Downloading Attachment Error

Sometimes when downloading or attempting to download a file in the Discovery section, you will receive an error instead of the file.

The error will start with something similar to the below:

{"errors":{"code":"UNAUTHORIZED","message":"Encountered error authenticating user.  ","details":"Encountered error authenticating user.

When this happens, it can be frustrating, but it is normally an issue that can be fixed by clearing your browser cookies. You can sometimes bypass this by using incognito mode or by attaching your SAM API Key to your APP profile.

Clear Cookies and Cache

Here are instructions on some of the more common web browsers on how you can clear your cookies and cache:

No New Opportunities Showing

Sometimes when no new opportunities are showing, this can be caused by the search not having any new or recent results. A way to test this is by removing some filters from your current search and seeing if new or recent opportunities have been posted.

If you are sure that there are new or more recent opportunities and they are not populating, you should attempt to clear your cookies and cache first to see if there is a caching issue. If the problem persists, you will need to contact APP Support so that you can be assisted.

Some of the information that you will need to send to the support team will be the search and a screenshot of the error, if possible.

Here is how you can share your search:

NOTICE If you have multiple searches that are causing these issues, you can send multiple links.

Saved Searches Page

  1. Go to the Saved Searches page.
  2. Select the More Options (...) ellipses button next to the search in question.
  3. Copy the link and send it to APP Support.

Discovery Page

  1. After you have completed your search, select the down arrow button next to Save.
  2. Select Share.
  3. In the pop-up, copy the link and send it to APP Support.

Nothing Found

Sometimes when performing a search, you will receive Nothing Found. This is mainly because the filters that were added are too restrictive. You should remove some of the filters that are used to see if this results in opportunities.

If you continue to receive Nothing Found and you know that there should be results, you should attempt to clear your cookies and cache first to see if there is a caching issue. If the problem persists, you will need to contact APP Support so that you can be assisted.

Some of the information that you will need to send to the support team will be the search and a screenshot of the error, if possible.

You can find out how to share your saved search when using the Saved Searches page or a search performed from the Discovery page.

Why Are Old Opportunities Showing?

The Advanced Procurement Portal is a historical system that saves new and old opportunities for research purposes.

When looking at opportunities, please make sure you pay attention to the Due Dates listed on them to see if they are new.

You can change the opportunities that you receive by changing the Due Date filter in the section you are searching.

In the following section, Due Date is found underneath the Dates filter:

  • Contract Opportunities
  • Grant Opportunities
  • Contract Awards

Here is how you can add a filter to make sure that only new opportunities are presented to you:

  1. Select the filter button.
  2. Select the Dates filter.
  3. A pop-up will appear. Make sure Due Date is selected.
  4. Select Is After in the drop-down field and select today's date or yesterday's date.
  5. Apply the filter.

All the opportunities that are presented from your search will be due after the date you selected.