
Premium This feature is available within the following subscription tiers: Advantage, Pro, SAP Advantage, APP Max, and Procurement Pro.

The Workplace serves as your central hub for organizing tasks and exploring potential opportunities.


The Dashboard operates using widgets, offering users quick access to various platform information.

These widgets are customizable, allowing you to rearrange and resize them according to your preferences.

Move Widgets

To move a widget, simply click and drag the indicator () located in the upper right-hand corner, and place it in your desired position.

LOOK On desktop, you can also use the arrow keys after pressing the spacebar to fine-tune widget placement.

Add Widgets

Add widgets by clicking the Add Widget () button in the upper left-hand corner of the Dashboard.
Click the Add Widget button.
A dropdown will appear, showing available widgets with a plus (+) button next to them.
Click the plus (+) button to add the widget to the bottom of the page.

Remove Widget

To remove a widget, click the x () button in the upper left-hand corner of the widget's box.

Resize Widget

Resize a widget by clicking the resize button () in the upper left-hand corner of the widget's box.

There are four (4) different sizes available, based on a three (3) column grid within the dashboard:

  • Large – Occupies three (3) column spaces
  • Semi-Large – Occupies two (2) column spaces
  • Medium – Occupies one and a half (1.5) column spaces
  • Small – Occupies one (1) column space

NOTICE Resize changes will happen immediately and will push other widgets to the side if needed.

Base Widgets

Base Widgets are standard features available to all users within the Advanced Procurement Portal.


This widget provides a compact calendar view displaying items and their due dates for easy reference. By default, the calendar widget is set to Medium size.

Vendor Management

The Vendor Management widget offers a quick overview of your vendor management area, showing active, expiring soon, and expired vendor numbers. You can select "View" under each category to navigate to the Vendor Management page displaying only those types of vendors. The default size of the Vendor Management widget is Large.

Saved Searches at a Glance

This widget displays a condensed view of your saved searches within the system, showcasing the most recently edited searches located near the top. The default size of the Saved Searches widget is Medium.

In the Recommended Opportunities widget, you'll find a list of contract opportunities tailored to you based on your previous search history. Clicking "View All" directs you to your recommended searches within the Contract Opportunities section. The default size of the Recommended Opportunities widget is Small.

USFCR Client Widgets

These widgets provide added value for users with services from USFCR, offering insights into the progress of specific tasks.

SAM Status

The SAM Status widget tracks the status of your SAM registration through USFCR. It displays your UEI Number and CAGE Code once they are provided or created by your Case Manager. The widget also indicates various status options:

  • Need Information – Your Case Manager requires additional information to proceed.
  • NOTICE If unsure about the required information, please contact our Customer Service Representatives at (844) 303-9708.

  • In Progress – Your Case Manager is reviewing your documentation.
  • Compliant – Your SAM registration is active and verified by USFCR.

SAP Status

The SAP Status widget displays the status of your Simplified Acquisition Program (SAP) journey through USFCR. It provides essential information regarding your SAP service. The default size of the SAP Status widget is Medium.

  • Website Service End - This indicates the service end date for your SAP website, helping you track when it needs renewal.
  • OSC (Online Capabilities Statement): This serves as the link to your SAP page.
  • Email Mailbox - The email address you receive for your SAP.

The SAP status also has a few options that can show up for you here:

  • Need Information – This means that your SAP Specialist needs information from you in order to continue. This information is normally that the SAP Worksheets have not been submitted.
  • In Progress – The SAP Specialist is looking over your documentation.
  • Issue – There is an issue with your website that we are working to fix.
  • OCS Complete – Your SAP website is active.

Premium Widgets

Premium These feature are available within the following subscription tiers: Marketing Pro

Premium widgets are exclusive features available to users with APP Premium subscription, accessible in the Marketing Pro tier.

Pursuits at a Glance

This widget provides an overview of saved pursuits within your organization. Clicking "View All" directs you to the Pursuits section. The default size of Pursuits at a Glance is Large.

Icon Name Description
In Pipeline The pursuit is within the Triage or another named stage that was created.
Won The pursuit is within the Won stage.
Lost The pursuit is within the Lost stage.
Abandoned The pursuit is within the Abandoned stage.

Contracts Won vs Lost

This widget compares Won and Lost pursuits within your pipelines. The default size is Medium, but the Large size displays additional options, including:

  • Gear
    • Date Range - Allows selection of the desired date range for chart display.
    • Revenue Goal - Enables organization admins to adjust the Revenue Goal for tracking purposes.
  • Solicitations Looked at - Total number of viewed solicitations, including those within pipelines.
  • Amount of Pursuits Bid on - Total number of pursuits in the Won and Loss stages.
  • Won/Lost/Abandoned Pursuits - Number of pursuits in each stage.
  • Show on chart - Toggle button to switch chart display between revenue goal and default win/loss comparison.


This widget offers a quick view of remaining exports for the month. The default size of the Exports widget is Small.

Tasks at a Glance

This widget provides an overview of tasks within your organization. Clicking "View All" directs you to the Tasks section. The default size of Tasks at a Glance is Medium. Icons indicate task status:

Icon Name Description
Done The task has been complete.
In Progress The task is currently in progress and has not gone past the due date.
Deadline The task is currently past the due date.